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Post Pandemic Reopening Policies

COVID related policies that will be effective until the current Ministry of Education

(and Toronto Children’s Services / Toronto Public Health) restrictions are lifted 


Screening and temperature checks​

We screen and check the temperature of children, child care staff and any other individuals prior to entry/arrival to the child care centre daily.


Atendance reporting

We maintain detailed attendance records of all individuals entering the child care centre.


Cohorting staff and children

We ensure that children and staff are placed into cohorts and strictly adhere to cohorting of staff and children as an infection control measure.


Physical distancing

We ensure that modifications are made to enable physical distancing and alter programming to embrace physical distancing.



Hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette

We ensure that hand hygiene and proper respiratory etiquette are followed at all times. We have invested in Hepa filtration and made improvements to our facilities for maximized clean air filtration and flow.


Food safety practices

We ensure that food safety practices comply with Public Health standards and are modified to ensure minimizing and/or elimination of shared items.


Enhanced environmental cleaning and disinfection

We are committed to ensure that we have a safe and healthy environment. In addition to routine practices, all staff must strictly adhere to sanitary precautions in all aspects of the program.


Requirements for the use of toys, equipment and other materials

We made all required changes to material, toys and equipment to ensure that enhanced cleaning is enabled.


Use of personal protective equipment

We are committed to ensuring that appropriate PPE is used by staff to support the health and safety of staff and students.

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